Religious statues
Never equaled collection of innumerable antique church statues from chapels, monasteries, churches and cathedrals. The tremendous number of statues made Fluminalis world-famous. TV stations from nearly all continents gave attention on this company.
Religious Church Statues.
Antique church statues with extreme and half-measures in wood, terra-cotta,plaster,woodpap,cast-iron,sandstone and marble. More the 1000 saints in sizes from 30 till 165 inches are established in battle order.... Complete life size set of 12 apostles, the 4 Evangelists, Popes, Cardinals & Bishops, Priests & Monks, etc. etc. Jesus as Holy Heart, the Good Sheperd, Redemptor and Child. St Mary as Madonna, Holy Mother, with Jesus and St. Joseph in the Holy Family, as Child with Mother Anne, Beautiful sets for chapels and churches. Exclusive church statues for outside and many more......
Cast iron church statues.
Fluminalis Church Interiors is proud to be the leader in this industry. In the past there were a couple of private individuals who pioneered the reliqious artifacts industry in the 1970s, but Fluminalis has developed this business and continues to remain a leader in our field.
Religious large Church Statues.
We have the largest selection of reliqious church statues and artifacts worldwide and operate as a real company providing professional and responsible service to all of those who deal with us. You simply cannot effectively search for a religious antique item or religious statue without first calling Fluminalis Church Interiors. We have an enormous stock of antique religious statues.
Reliqious Antique Church Statue.
Without a doubt, Fluminalis Church Interiors Reliqious artifacts and collection of antique church statues carries the most complete and largest selection of church supplies in the world. We represent every major church manufacturer in the world as well as handcrafted custom furnishings and fittings ourselves. .These manufacturers in combination with our antique inventory give us the largest selection anywhere. One of our specialities church statuary.
Never equaled collection of innumerable reliqious statues from chapels, monasteries, churches and cathedrals. The tremendous number of antique reliqious statues made Fluminalis world-famous. TV stations from nearly all continents gave attention on this company. Statues with extreme and half-measures in wood, terra-cotta, plaster,woodpap,cast-iron,sandstone and marble. More than 1000 Saints in sizes from 30 till 165 inches are etablished in battle order....... Complete life-size set of the 12 Apostles, the 4 Evangelists, Popes, Cardinals & Bishops, Priests & Monks, etc. etc. Jesus as Holy Heart, the Good Sheperd, Redemptor and Child. St Mary as Madonna, Holy Mother, with Jesus and St Joseph in the Holy Family, as Child with Mother Anne, Beautiful sets for chapels and churches. Exclusive statues for outside and many more..........
Church Statuary,altars, church-altars, lecterns, altar -stones, communion- tables, pulpits, baptismal fonts, churchchairs,credencetables, kneelers prie dieu and prayer-desks,pedestals, crucifixes,missalstands,pews, tabernacles, candlesticks, crosses,paschal candle stands, sanctuary light holders, thuribles, altarcrosses, altar-crosses, altar pieces, altarpieces, ampullen, angels, bidstoel, biechtstoel, church decoration, churchdecorations, calvarie groep, chalice, church relic, churchrelic ,organpipes,cupboard, doopvont, engelen, erzengel, tuinbeelden, tuinbeeld, gardenstatue, gardenstatues, heiligebeeld, en heiligebeelden ironvases, ironstatue, heilige, kapel, kerkkunst, kerk kunst, kelken, kerklampen, kroonluchters, kerkverlichting kerkbank,heiligenbeelden, kerkbeelden kerkkandelaar kerkklok kerkramen kerstengel kerstgroep, kerstgroepen, kirche, klapstoel, kneelingchairs, koorgestoelte, koorbanken, lambrisering, kruiswegstaties, kruisweg, lecterns, etc.petrus beeld,petrus statue,plaster church statues,plaster statue ,preekstoel ,preekstoelen ,processional crosses,pulpit ,rauchfass
refter,refter tafels ,reftertafels ,relic frames ,relic-holders,relic-houses
relichouse ,relichouses,relics ,reliek ,reliekhouder ,reliekschrijn,religieusekunst,religious
religious angels,religious candles,religious church art,religious-clothes ,religious,object ,religious,statue ,religiousstatues ,religous art,relikhuis,relikwie ,reliqious ,reliqious art ,reliqious-church-art,reliqious ornaments.
reliqious outdoor statues,reliqious-outdoor-statues.reliqious cast iron statue.Lobby decoration,reliques ,reliquiars,ringkandelaar
rozenboog ,saint ,saints ,saints.,sanctuary lamp ,sanctuary-lamp ,sanctuary,sanctuarylamps ,santuary light holders,schilderij maria ,culptuur ,meedijzer ,piegels ,sprenkelaar,st agnes,st antonius
st augustin,st barbara,st benedict,st caecilla,st christoffel,st gerardus ,st hubertus,st johannes ,st joseph,st mary,st michael,st peter,st petrus ,staakmadonna ,staande engel,stained glass window
stander,standing angels,stands ,stations of the cross ,statue-stands ,stola ,stone panels,tabernacle,tabernacles,tabernakel,tabor,tafels
theresia,theresia van lisieux ,thurible, thuribles,torenhaan ,triomfkruis,troon
tuintafel. ,vestments ,vortragkreuz,vortragkreuze
wall items wandkandelaars wax statue ,wedding- chairs,wedding,chapel ,wedding,decoration,wholsale,church ,nteriors,wierookscheepje,wierookstandaard,wierookvat ,wijwateremmer,wijzerplaat ,wooden,church statues,wooden statue ,wooden statues ,zonnewijzer Buitenbeeld
Church Interiors,Church Interiors.,Church Statues,Church statue,Ciborie,Garden Ornaments,Gietijzerenbeeld.
Kelk,Kerkbank,Kerkbeeld,Kerkbeelden,Kerkstoel,Kroonluchter,Kroonluchters,Marmerbeeld,Monstrance,Monstrans,Paaskandelaar,a church altar
a ciborium,altar in a church,altar in church,altar of the church,antique church furnishings,antique church furniture,antique church,pew,antique,church,pews,antique,church,statues,baptist,churches,brass,candle,sticks,candle sticks
candles sticks.
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christian supplies.
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church goods,church interior,church interior decorating.
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church pews,church pews and chairs,church pews for sale,church pews supplies,church pulpit,church pulpits,church pulpits for,church seating,church seats,church statue,church statue dropped,church statues,church statues for sale,church supplies,church,supply,churches,ciborium
clergy supplies,communion chalice,communion cups,communion supplies,discount,church,furniture,fountains,free,church,furniture,furniture,furniture for church
furniture stores
garden art,garden fountains,garden furniture,garden ornament,garden sculpture,garden,sculptures,garden,statuary,garden,statue,garden statues,gold chalice,interior decoration,interior of a church,interior of church,kerkbank,lawn statues.
lectern for sale,lecterns,lecterns for sale,old church furniture for,old church pews,old pulpits,pew,chair,pew,chairs,pews,pews,forsale,pewter chalice,podiums for sale,pulpit,pulpit chairs
pulpit furniture
pulpits,pulpits for churches,religious altar,religious goods,religious-statues,sculpture,sculptures,silver,chalice,statuary,statue,statues,statues in church,statues in the catholic-church-statues in the church,the altar church,the altar in a church,the ciborium,unfinished furniture
used church altars,used church chairs,used church furnishings,used church furniture,used church furniture for,used church furniture for sale,used church pew,used church pews,used pews,used podiums,used pulpits,vestments,vestments for sale,yard statues.
Fluminalis is proud to be the leader in this industry. In the past there were a couple of private individuals who pioneered the reliqious artifacts industry in the 1970s, but Fluminalis has developed this business and continues to remain a leader in this field. We have the largest selection of reliqious artifacts worldwide. We operate as a real company providing professional and responsible service to all of those who deal with us. You simply cannot effectively search for a reliqious antique item without first calling or contact Fluminalis. Our inventory sources, and contacts allow us the greatest opportunity to fill your antique reliqious needs. Without a doubt, Fluminalis Church Interiors carries the most complete and largest selection of church supplies in the world. We represent every major church manufacturer in the world as well as handcrafted custom furnishings and fittings ourselves. These manufactures in combination with our antique inventory give us the largest selection anywhere. Copyright 2008 Fluminalis Church Interiors Horssen Holland E-Mail :
Fluminalis Church Interiors Horssen Holland Since 1972.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam eget sem. Duis tristique. Curabitur rutrum. Mauris pulvinar fermentum dolor. Nunc dictum ullamcorper nisl. Nulla eget lectus a leo varius bibendum. Nunc vulputate consectetuer lectus. Proin velit. Nulla non pede vitae libero tincidunt gravida. Integer est ipsum, hendrerit sit amet, egestas a, fermentum vel, ante. Vestibulum vitae orci at arcu ultrices tempus. In interdum pharetra nisl.
Aenean sagittis lorem nec ante. Sed fringilla tristique ante. Praesent non lectus. Duis tincidunt, lacus ac gravida tempor, pede eros pharetra metus, et dapibus sem lorem in diam. Cras dictum. Suspendisse potenti. Nam nec justo pulvinar nisl vehicula aliquam. Pellentesque urna nunc, suscipit et, ultrices a, facilisis et, leo. Aliquam quis nisi ut augue euismod placerat. Praesent varius arcu sit amet tellus. Sed tellus. In iaculis, est ac molestie interdum, metus ipsum aliquet ligula, ut mattis risus enim ac nibh. Praesent luctus erat et mauris ullamcorper laoreet. Duis et nisl.
Vivamus in turpis. Vestibulum et sapien ut quam volutpat sollicitudin. Sed in ante. Ut a felis id velit imperdiet sodales. Donec mi. Praesent lectus massa, placerat vel, viverra a, tempus et, neque. Aliquam in est. Fusce libero turpis, porta ac, dignissim in, laoreet convallis, enim. Duis turpis velit, mattis id, pulvinar in, hendrerit quis, orci. Phasellus a magna ullamcorper orci sodales tempor. Morbi nec ligula eget libero scelerisque accumsan. Pellentesque quis enim.
Nunc eget urna quis ligula viverra laoreet. Nullam dolor lorem, vestibulum id, vehicula et, molestie vitae, nisl. In ut ipsum a justo hendrerit aliquam. Nullam ac libero. Praesent dapibus dapibus arcu. Quisque dolor eros, sollicitudin vehicula, ultrices vitae, imperdiet eget, libero. Nunc venenatis. Donec sodales lobortis velit. Nunc placerat dui ut pede. Donec feugiat leo eget tellus. Suspendisse luctus libero eu massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec risus. Nullam pharetra porta ipsum. Phasellus nisl mi, posuere nec, faucibus eget, tempor eu, diam. Vestibulum non mauris. Integer feugiat nunc tempor sapien. Sed consectetuer magna vitae lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi in turpis in nunc condimentum gravida.